What are the main sources of biological preservatives?
Biological preservatives refer to a class of high-efficiency preservatives obtained from organisms through biological culture, extraction and separation technology, which has the effect of inhibiting and killing microorganisms
28-08-2023 -
Why does the coating with bactericidal preservatives still deteriorate(二)
In summary, the key to avoiding deterioration and odor of water-based coatings is to prevent bacterial contamination and anti-corrosion fungicide failure from production to packaging, storage and transportation
25-08-2023 -
Why does the coating with bactericidal preservatives still deteriorate(一)
Why does the coating with bactericidal preservatives still deteriorate? Most of the antiseptic preservatives used in coatings on the market are non-ionic. This kind of antiseptic fungicide is a large consumption.
24-08-2023 -
Coating antiseptic how to identify good or bad?
Coating antiseptic how to identify good or bad? The key role of bactericidal preservatives used in coatings is to ensure that the coating is not damaged by bacteria and other algae. It is also the key to ensure the quality of the coating during the shelf life.
23-08-2023 -
What are the several ways of the toxic effect of anti-mildew agent on mold?
What are the several ways of the toxic effect of anti-mildew agent on mold? The moulds of corrosion coatings and coating films belong to fungi, including Aspergillus sari, Aspergillus aflatus, Aspergillus Niger, Aspergillus albicans, Aspergillus nidulus, Penicillium purpurea, Penicillium diffusum, Penicillium dermoides, trichoderma, cephalosporus, cladomyces spore, cladomyces transversarii, Staphylosporus staphylospore, etc.
22-08-2023 -
What is the preparation of paint preservatives?
What is the preparation of paint preservatives? Coating preservative refers to a kind of preparation which can inhibit the microorganisms causing rot in the coating and prevent the coating from demulsification. The raw materials of the paint (latex paint) include pigments
21-08-2023 -
What are the important functions of fungicide manufacturers?
What are the important functions of fungicide manufacturers? There are two ways of action of fungicides: one is a protective fungicide
18-08-2023 -
What issues should you consider when choosing a bactericidal preservative?
What issues should you consider when choosing a bactericidal preservative
17-08-2023 -
What is the difference between a fungicide and an antibiotic?
What is the difference between a fungicide and an antibiotic?
16-08-2023 -
There are several kinds of antiseptic preservatives used in paper mills
Bactericidal preservatives are mainly used to ensure that materials do not deteriorate during use by killing bacteria or making them lose their ability to grow and reproduce.