Product News
The use of anti-mold agents and the factors affecting anti-mold agents
We all know that the anti-mildew agent has a good anti-mildew effect, so how is it to achieve the anti-mildew effect? Let's go and have a look.
26-02-2024 -
What is the use of anticorrosive hot melt sleeve
What is the use of anticorrosive hot melt sleeve
23-02-2024 -
What are the main sources of biological biocide ?
Biological preservatives refer to a class of high-efficiency preservatives obtained from organisms through biological culture,
22-02-2024 -
Hydroxyethyl hexahydromestriazine BK export data summary (MSDS, HS code, Marine identification report, etc.)
Hydroxyethyl hexahydrotriazine (hereinafter referred to as BK) preservatives as a commonly used fungicide
19-02-2024 -
What are the applications of artificial intelligence in chemical enterprises
In recent years, some companies are trying to use artificial intelligence technology to improve the operation of the chemical industry, increase efficiency and reduce effort. Among them, some companies are trying to use machine learning technology to accelerate scientific experiments, analyze recipes, and improve precision production, including organic reaction and reaction process optimization,
16-02-2024 -
What non-oxidizing fungicides are used in industrial recycled water? Isothiazolinone and other mainstream comparison(二)
Glutaraldehyde as a fungicide is characterized by almost non-toxic, wide pH range, high temperature resistance, is a special drug to kill sulfate-reducing bacteria. At the recommended concentrations for cooling water, glutaraldehyde is almost non-toxic and biodegrades itself. With the strengthening of social environmental awareness, glutaraldehyde fungicide will have a great future.
15-02-2024 -
What non-oxidizing fungicides are used in industrial recycled water? Isothiazolinone and other mainstream comparison(一)
According to incomplete statistics, there are nearly 100 kinds of fungicides used in industrial circulating water treatment in China, which can be roughly divided into two categories: oxidizing fungicides and non-oxidizing fungicides.
13-02-2024 -
Germicidal preservatives commonly used packaging specifications (domestic, export)
not only protects the product itself, but also reflects the characteristics and quality of the product. For fungicides, the diversity of packaging and its advantages cannot be ignored.
11-02-2024 -
Effect of ethylene glycol hemiacetal fungicide
The high efficiency of this fungicide is due to its unique molecular structure and active ingredients, which enable it to destroy the cell membranes and cell walls of microorganisms, thereby inhibiting their growth and reproduction.